Sunday, July 01, 2007

Vacation, A New Home for Crystal

Tomorrow morning I'm off to Old Orchard Beach with a cooler full of beers and a mini-grill I got for my birthday but have no idea how to use yet. Thinking it may be a good idea to buy the propane up there considering I'll be chain smoking the entire time due to nerves. I don't think I've ever driven such a distance by myself. Reg isn't able to make it up there until Monday night the latest due to work stuff.
I truly can't get the hell out of here fast enough. About two weeks ago a non-profit organization for a few mentally challenged adults moved in across the street. Somehow they are under the impression that the cat who hangs out in their front yard belongs to me. Just because I know it by name and talk to it and it is in fact my mother's cat Crystal doesn't mean she belongs to me. :-) Seriously, though....what am I suppose to do? My folks took Crystal in about 15 years ago (side note, remember I live in the upstairs apt. above my mother Jude). She was and is an outdoor cat and always has been (we had her fixed, shots, etc). Anyhow, I can't leave my house, sit on the front porch, etc. without being yelled at by one of the residents that he is allergic to cats. I've told him time and time again she is not my cat and really, she isn't. The fucked up thing about all of this is Crystal is usually wicked scared of people, but for some reason she is drawn to this guy - he's always out on his porch and I've seen him pet and play with her but sometimes he shoos her off - she doesn't budge. I am fairly certain she is smitten. I guess the only thing I can do is rat Jude out next time we are out there together. Aren't I a good daughter snitching my mother out to the retarded guy across the street? Oh well, better her than me.
Have a great week everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Blogger Suldog said...

Have a great week, Auntie!

By the way, if the dude is petting the cat, and he sneezes or whatever, it's his own damned fault - retarded or not. Just my two cents.

Tuesday, 03 July, 2007  
Blogger Sassy Sundry said...

Have fun! OOB scares me a bit, but it's all a good time.

Thursday, 05 July, 2007  
Blogger Betty Blog said...

Thanks guys! I'm back now. I guess there was an incident where one of the neighbors saw the kid kicking the cat while I was gone. Everyone's up in arms. The fun never ends.

Monday, 09 July, 2007  

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