Friday, June 08, 2007

Overheard in Harvard Square

Ah graduation day! By far the best people watching day of the year in Harvard Square. I could write a million and one of these just from waiting for the (mofo late) bus last night for 30 minutes - but this one was the cutest:

Older Lady to Elderly Father: Dad, we are heading over to the Charles Hotel.

Elderly Father: Who?? What? WHY???

Older Lady: We are going to a very elegant restaurant. Don't worry, it's very nice.

Elderly Father: WHY!?? WHY??

Older Lady: Because your grandson, Jonathan, just graduated from Harvard University and we are going to celebrate.

Elderly Father: Oh, that's right. Good for him. Ata boy.



Blogger Andraste said...

Oh, I was in the thick of that yesterday. My favorites are the old alumni - the boat shoes, the madras shorts, plaid blazers and bow ties. All at once. Those old WASPs just ROCK the bad fashion.
Whot ho, Whitey!

Friday, 08 June, 2007  
Blogger Betty Blog said...

So funny! Two times I saw middle age ladies losing their shit trying to coordinate their families into a cab.

I saw many-a Indiana Jones hats as well. And tons of women casually walking around holding really tiny little babies. Nothing wrong with that but just seemed weird to see so many babies that young not in carriages (but then again I was sitting right near the Charles); if I ever get knocked up my kid is going to be mumified in bubble wrap until it's 2.

Friday, 08 June, 2007  
Blogger Andraste said...

Or at least until it can make a Mummy good Bloody Mary.

Friday, 08 June, 2007  
Blogger Neponset River Bridge Dig said...

I can relate to that conversation

Saturday, 09 June, 2007  
Blogger Sassy Sundry said...

I saw me some of that action. Poor old man. Must be hard to be so confused.

Monday, 11 June, 2007  

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