Friday, December 08, 2006

Ahem, Mememe

I am still fairly new to this whole world of blogging so some of the lingo that is used on other's blogs still leaves me scratching my anxiety induced welted arm in confusion forcing me to pop a Benedryl. But, I think I figured out what a "meme" is. If I am correct, it is like a survey like you see on MySpace that lets people know if you drank or have done drugs in the past month, what you're favorite color is, what you look for in a man/woman, etc., etc. That's just an example, I hope you know what I'm talking about.

Anyhow, I am posting my first Meme entitled "Six Things You Should Know About Me" that I saw on another blog yesterday. You know the drill, if you read this, you must too blog six things about yourself and leave your URL on my comments section.


1. I am moved to tears easily for all the wrong reasons.
For example, if you tell me my pet died I would probably keep a stone face for the most part, but when Matt Roloff of "Little People Big World" returned from a business trip to find his porch had been completed while he was away, I went through a box of tissues. It was indeed a good day, my happy little friend.
I also sometimes cry at work. Yeah, yeah, I know it's not a good thing, but I've come to accept it as part of who I am. Some people do crafts, some people sky dive - I cry at work. My friend Kerry, who used to work with me and who I miss so much, and I would often break out into an accopello rendition of "Don't Cry Out Loud" just to crack ourselves up at the absurdity of it all when these bouts would hit me. I must say that I am good at covering up my work tears from most people, I either take a smoke break or pretend I'm having an allergy attack if someone should approach me. They probably know I'm crying, but jimmy crack corn, it doesn't affect my work.

2. My dreams often include Fraggle Rock (you know, that Jim Henson show that aired on HBO in the 80's )
Either the dreams take place in Fraggle Rock, it is on a TV in the background, someone mentions it, or I am about to embrace the cute Fed-ex guy when Wembley or Mokey open the door thinking it’s the bathroom. Damn those Fraggles.

3. I often dispense bad advice to the younger generation
Such as to my cousin “Hey, the E on the gas tank is just a guideline, you’ve got plenty of driving left to do, young man."

4. I am afraid of pigeons.
Seriously. And of course I have a story to desmonstrate.
Throughout my four years of high school, I worked at the local supermarket, the last two years in the bakery. At one point a pigeon got into the store and was hanging out in the rafters. Every once in a while he would swoop on into the bakery and peck at crumbs on the floor. I told the store manager I couldn’t work in these conditions. He laughed it off. I immediately quit without notice. That is really how much I hate pigeons. Four years at a place and I quit abruptly over a pigeon. Although, if I saw that pigeon today I’d thank him for making me quit a deadend job - but from very, very, very far away. Alaska even. Depending on where he was. Okay if he was in Alaska then I would thank him from Florida. My passport expired last month so I obviously can't thank him from New Zealand.

5. I can't spell for shit and my grammar is horrendous. But you already knew that, didn't you, you judgmental bastard.

6. I am often hypocritical and live by double standards. Hey, I'm only human - but if you do it then you are a truly bad person and should seek some help.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,

This is the store manager at the gorcery store. Things haven't been the same since you left. Please come back to us. There are no pigeons. I promise.

Tom, the store manager

Monday, 11 December, 2006  

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