Friday, November 17, 2006

The Circle of Meth

Years ago I once heard someone refer to Brighton as "a melting pot" - I laughed because they said pot and I was pretty stoned at the time. Aside from that, they did have a point, Brighton is a pretty diverse community although I'm not sure how well we "melt" together. However, despite our different ethnic backgrounds, religious and political beliefs and sexual orientation - there is one thing that we all have in common that no language barrier can deter - and that is our undivided passion for gossip.

That said, it warmed my heart last night when I heard that a drug-making laboratory was uncovered on Surrey Street. Just in time for the holiday season!! I have not seen this many people out and about on the streets since the old barn behind my house burnt to the ground. There was excitement in the air as helicopters flew overhead and news crews flooded the neighborhood. Familiar faces on the 10 o'clock news making statements of shock and disbelief added to the fun.

Reports this morning indicate that the lab was producing ecstasy, cocaine, and crystal meth.

"Meth" as those in the know call it (or those who watch A&E like me call it) scares the shit out of me because I read that the average user is between the ages of 35 and 45.

When I turned 30, I patted myself on the back for getting through my teens and twenties without a serious drug problem (go ahead and take a crack about booze being a drug). I figured it was quite a feat to live so self destructively for so many years and still be able to hold down a job and not steal from my friends and family. In fact, if I die tomorrow, that is what I want to remembered for. On my headstone I'd like it to read "Auntie Scotch - She Was Not A Crack Whore." My finest accomplishment.

So you can see how it may worry me a bit that there is an addictive drug out there that is affecting my soon to be age group.

I can see it now, I'm 35, I'm at a dinner party with friends and just as the hostess is about to serve dessert and coffee someone busts out a meth pipe. Buckling under peer pressure and driven by a constant need to fit in, I take a hit.

Next thing you know, everything I achieved over the past five years is gone - my fabulous husband, my wonderful children, my million dollar home and red hot career. I'm back living in the apartment upstairs from my mother, broke, alone, spending my free time blogging about nonsense.

Christ I'm pathetic.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

listen bitch call me when your 45 and still single, living upstairs from mom.....did I make u feel better? And oh that good old neighborhood feeling, nothing a good drug bust can't bring back.

Friday, 17 November, 2006  
Blogger Betty Blog said...

I have to say, no, you didn't make me feel any better.

Friday, 17 November, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets skip the drink and get right to the fucking

Saturday, 25 November, 2006  

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