Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Part Two - No Witty Title

Where was I, oh yes...Saturday.

By the time we were cleaning up after the wedding shower, I was physically exhausted. I made the bad decision of wearing high heel shoes and I swear it hurt to even operate my car on the way home.

But I made it, and the only thing I wanted to do was get into my pajamas, dive onto the couch and spend the rest of my daily weight watchers points on sugar. I was not in the house three minutes before my hair was up and my snowman pajamas, that even Kay makes fun of, were on.

I went into my office and sat there half dead as my computer was coming on when I heard a banging sound coming from my foyer. I looked out my window, Jude and Kay hadn't made it back yet, so I assumed it must have been Nickels that cat up to no good. I ignored it.

A minute later I heard it again and there was no denying someone was knocking on my door. I thought about just ignoring it again, it may have been a Jehovah's witness or someone trying to save some species and I just wasn’t in the mood. But then the fear that it was somehow Jude and Kay and they were locked out of the downstairs apartment got the better of me so down I went.

When I opened the door I almost swallowed my tongue.

Because there, on my driveway about to retreat, was Brian.

He turned and started walking back as I peeked my head out the door. I must have told him the night before what my street number was to compare where I lived to his friend.

“Hey there! How are you?” he asks as if there is nothing at all weird about showing up at someone’s house you hardly know uninvited. Once again the invite to “talk” was made.

I didn’t know what to say, I told him I was busy and couldn’t hang out, my house was a mess, my niece was on her way, etc. etc.

During this, Nickels the cat decided to take a new risk and sneak by me. She sat on the driveway, eyeing him as if to say “what is this? Where is it’s chest pillows?” (Nicky hasn’t seen a man in awhile).

So, I brushed him off, said goodbye, and he began to walk away. I came out of the house and scooped an angry Nickels up, scolding her.

He turned back:

“Are you sure you don’t want to just talk or something?”

Really, no thanks. Some other time.”

And that, my friends, was the end of THAT.
and of course the beginning of the fear that I will be featured on "48 Hour Mystery".



Blogger stevencooks said...

2 questions:

1) if you weren't in your snow pajamas, would you have let him in?

2) do you think he is sweet on you or a little soft in the head?


Tuesday, 24 April, 2007  
Blogger Betty Blog said...

I wouldn't have let him in. I found the whole thing a bit bizzare. As I said to Amy, I'm not totally freaked out, I think he is harmless (mostly because I sized him up and figured I could take him in a fight if the need arises) but lonely. Hopefully the story ends there because I truly don't have the desire to deal with it (even if it does give me something to write about other than my cats).

Thanks for the comment, Steven! Happy HumpDay!

Wednesday, 25 April, 2007  
Blogger Suldog said...

Hmmmm, he does sound a little forward. Maybe he just really, really, really likes you? If he calls back, are you going to give him a firmer brush-off or might you meet him on your own terms?

(And I just looked at the "word verification" I have to type in here. It says "OKIDOPO." Sounds like I'm saying OK to a stupid person.)

Wednesday, 25 April, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog!!

I think you should meet him for a beverage somewhere - it couldn't hurt!!

Thursday, 26 April, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think anonymous just answered your question about whether he found your blog or not :-)

Thursday, 26 April, 2007  
Blogger Neponset River Bridge Dig said...

When A guy shows up at a woman's house and is looking to talk... it's short for "wanna have sex"?

Just my opinion

Friday, 27 April, 2007  

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