Friday, August 17, 2007

Lessons of the Week

No. 1

If you are like me and are prone to getting ink all over yourself, best not to use a yellow highlighter. If it gets all over your hands and face it will look like mustard - if you are lucky, I am fairly sure half the folks at my office think I am suffering from some deficiency. Although they wouldn't be all wrong because I am obviously lacking somewhere.

No. 2

What is worse than taking the bus, worse than being in your car and getting caught behind a bus - being on an "Express" bus and getting caught behind another, local, bus.

No. 3

The Boston Tea Party museum burnt down three years ago. An Asian tourist came up and asked me where it was, showing me a map. I looked at the map, then over to the Congress Street bridge construction, back to the map, scratched my head.....looked at the Asian girl...looked at the map...the construction...the map....finally some old lady came up and told us it burnt down three years ago. Nosy know-it-all old lady. I woulda figured it out eventually.

No. 4

I was a lunatic for ever taking the bus when I could of been driving all this time. 15 minutes tops - even in traffic. 15 goddamn minutes. Side note - if you tell the guy in charge of parking passes that you are embarrassed of your car he will immediately go check it out and then come back and announce (in front of everyone) that it isn't so bad, it just needs to be cleaned. Another note - at home I park under a tree and even if I do take it to the car wash it is dirty the next day....just saying.....

Anyhow, happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Blogger Bass Man said...


No 1. Its always important to avoid things that expose too much of you too early in a new job. As a computer contractor, I start a new job about every year to year-and-a-half. I have learned this lesson many times. ;) I avoid operating any piece of office equipment as long as possible. In one job, I was banned from touching the fax machine. Thank god for email now.

No 2. Fast bus behind the slow bus... I'd take that as a sign from god that I shouldn't be going to work. But that's just me. Of course, with me, god has all sorts of subtle ways of telling me not to go to work... ;)

No 3. I remember when that burned down. There has been a sign on the bridge announcing the reconstruction due to be complete in (I think) Fall of 2006. I don't think they're going to make that deadline. I used to eat lunch over there all the time.

No 4. I never get the job where driving is convenient. Even if I did I'd probably still take public transportation if I could. I've had the 75 mile door-to-door commute, the 8-mile -but-takes-45-minutes commute, and the 20 minute commute to a job I hated. Now I just do the 25 minute C line commute downtown. My current job keeps offering a laptop so I can work from home, but I refuse. At least now, I have a commute to disengage from work.

It's good to know you had an educational week! ;) I'm sure I'm supposed to be learning something but I'm too damn stubborn to learn...

Hope you had a great weekend, have a good week!

Sunday, 19 August, 2007  
Blogger Suldog said...

Hah! There's nothing more embarrassing than having a tourist ask you something about your city and having to stammer that you don't know the answer and then having someone else give the answer and make you look like a dummy. I've done it, too.

Monday, 20 August, 2007  
Blogger Bass Man said...

Oops, it happened again.

Monday, 27 August, 2007  
Blogger Sassy Sundry said...

My best moment in London was when a Brit asked me for directions---and I knew where she needed to go. She was crestfalln to have been directed by an American.

As for the bus, I'd much rather take it than drive. Alas, I work outside the city, so I'm stuck.

By the way, any interest in a Boston blogger meetup?

Wednesday, 29 August, 2007  
Blogger Bass Man said...

BTW, who's Melvin?

Miss you. ;)

Saturday, 01 September, 2007  

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