Monday, March 31, 2008

Ode to My Girlfriends

I had the girls over on Thursday - Reg and Di. Knowing each other for almost thirty years made for some great trivia such as "who went to the Pink Floyd concert with us in '93?" (ps we are still debating because we were so screwed up on -deleted because we all have great jobs now-)...... and "where were YOU when Di had her first period?" It does strike me as strange that I met both of these women well before I was three years old and we are still friends to this day, and we will always be the first to admit that we have had our ups and downs (and sideways even), but if today is my last I will always thank god for the good friends that I have. Reg, Di, Lady, Amy. I could never ask for better sisters than you. Thanks.


Blogger Bass Man said...

I'm always amazed when people have friendships that go back decades. My mom spends time each summer with her sorority sisters whom she met over 50 years ago, including one of whom she went to nursery school with (70+ years ago).

My daughter met up with her best friend from pre-school during Spring Break this year. They haven't lived in the same town since they were 4 but they've stayed in contact thru email/myspace/facebook over the years.

Me? After a month of knowing me, most people want to forget...

Tuesday, 01 April, 2008  

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